Galveston County Food Bank
624 4th Ave. NorthTexas City, TX - 77590
Area Served:
Galveston County residents.
The Client Choice Food Mart offers free food, personal hygiene products, and cleaning supplies when available, in a shopping-style environment for families, people with disabilities, and the elderly.
All clients are pre-screened and verified for their income.
Shopping at the food market is limited to registered customers who are allowed to shop every 30 days.
The Food Bank operates two food marts, which are listed below.
Pantry Opening Hours:
Tuesday through Thursday
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Friday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
For further information, please call.
Hours of Operation
- Monday closed
- Tuesday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
- Wednesday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
- Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
- Friday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- Saturday closed
- Sunday closed
Frequently Asked Questions
Thanks for contributing
Was everything free at this pantry?
Have you ever used this service? How was it?
Were there large lines at this location?
Do you know if they deliver?
Do you know if there is an income limit to get free food at this location?
Are documents required to get food?
How often can I come to this pantry?
Do I need to make an appointment?
How do I register?
It is one of the better ones in Galveston County. They give fruits vegetables bread milk cheese eggs and meat when available. Which is most of the times I've been. The line used to be long but now it's very quick to get in and out. Thumbs up to this pantry!