Friendship House
3733 N Josey LaneCarrollton, TX - 75006
Contact Info
Phone: (972) 512-3838Facebook page
Website Instagram URL Twitter URL
Located on the campus of their church, the House of Friendship provides food, clothing, and small household items to people in need of assistance.
They are open to serve the community.
Hours of Operation:
Every Wednesday
9:00 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Requirements Needed:
Bring a photo ID and proof of residence.
You can also help by volunteering at the Friendship House, donating clothing and household items, or making a financial donation.
Donations of clothing can be dropped off every day from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Their desire is to give items that they would wear or use.
Most of their food products are purchased through the North Texas Food Bank using cash donations received.
Food aid is available for the following postalcodes:
75001, 75006, 75007, 75008, 75010, 75019, 75244, and 75287.
Clothing assistance is available for the following postal codes:
75001, 75006, 75007, 75008, 75010, 75019, 75234, 75244, and 75287.
For further information, please call.
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