Manna Center
670 Heritage CourtSiloam Springs, AR -
Their purpose is to be a central agency in Siloam Springs area that provides the basic needs of food, clothing and referral resources to those in need.
Mission Statement
The Manna Center is founded to fulfill Christ’s call to share with all persons in need. Our purpose is to be a central, cooperative support agency partnering with the churches, businesses, civic organizations and individuals of the Siloam Springs area by providing services and resources to those in need. The Manna Center will solicit, collect, store and distribute such goods and/or services as directed by the members of the Board of Directors without regard to race, age, religion, gender or nationality. It is also the purpose of The Manna Center to coordinate such efforts with similar agencies throughout Northwest Arkansas. " *
*From the Manna Center website
yes I have a question is there any way possible cuz I have no way of going anywhere I have no car if someone can bring me some food from me and my two grandchildren. I was just wondering if it was possible that I could get someone to bring me some food we're running really low and I have no way of going anywhere so just let me know I appreciate it thank you so much God bless