Daniel D. Cantor Senior Center
5000 Nob Hill RoadSunrise, FL - 33351
Contact Info
Phone: (954) 742-2299Facebook page
Website Instagram URL Twitter URL
Call for information on this Congregate Meal site.
If you are hungry and/or cannot afford to eat adequately, if you have limited mobility and are unable to shop or cook for yourself, or if you are lonely and just want someone to share a meal with, then the Congregate Dining Program is available to you.
Congregate meals offer a healthy and convenient option for anyone over 60.
In addition to the advantages of a healthy meal that requires no shopping, preparation or cleanup, every site offers social activities.
Seniors can actually improve their health by eating healthier foods, interacting with others and even getting a little exercise.
Transportation to many meal sites is free.
Donations are gratefully accepted.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Daniel D. Cantor Senior Center is to enrich the lives of our senior community by providing programs, activities and services directed at medical and physical skill levels. From our active independent Senior Center to our structured, protected Alzheimer’s program, there is something for everyone. We seek to preserve the dignity of our seniors in a manner consistent with our Jewish heritage." *
*From the Daniel D. Cantor Senior Center website
Im very low income. Senior on s.s. can i come for food. And if so when
I am looking for locations where I can pick up a box of food.
Looking to see if I can fine some food. The lines are to long. And it is very hot outside, and is very hard to breath.