Communities In Schools - Central Texas, Inc.
3000 S IH 35Austin, TX - 78704
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The Texas Education Agency has identified over 100,000 students in Central Texas to be "at-risk" for school dropout because they have repeated one or more grades, failed the Texas standardized TAKS test, have limited English proficiency, are pregnant or parenting, or have been set back academically by other challenges.
Behind these defined risk factors are the multiple barriers children also face: little to no school readiness or parental involvement; inadequate shelter, clothing, or food; untreated mental, emotional, or physical health problems; direct or indirect contact with substance abuse or abuse in the home -- all significant obstacles to learning.
And independent research studies calculate approximately half of all at-risk students in Central Texas do not graduate.
According to a recent report from the Urban Institute, Austin Independent School District's student graduation rates are staggeringly low; only 48.4% of Hispanics, 50% of African Americans, 75.6% of Anglos, 82.5% of Asians, and 42.2% of Native American students are actually graduating from high school. The need for highly effective, data-driven dropout prevention programs in Central Texas is clear.
Communities In Schools of Central Texas provides comprehensive prevention and intervention services to over 40,000 students and their family members each year.
Their mission is to help kids stay in school and prepare for life.
Their goal is that all students have access to the "Five Basics" they deserve: a one-on-one relationship with a caring adult, a safe place to learn and grow, a healthy start and future, a marketable skill to use at graduation, and a chance to give back to peers and community so that they grow up to be successful adults.
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