Church on the Rock - The Manna Project
630 Cottonwood StreetWoodland, CA - 95695
The Church on the Rock operates The Manna Project that offers free food on a first come, first served basis.
Food Distribution Hours:
- Thursdays at 9:00am
Frequently Asked Questions
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Do you know if there is an income limit to get free food at this location?
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How often can I come to this pantry?
Do I need to make an appointment?
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I have had some bad things happen to me as of late my bank account was compromised n cleaned by someone on the internet n I had my wallet stolen with the last of my money n I am sleeping in my car no money n no.place to stay cause my rent was gone now cause of my bank situation so i am in a bad situation in my car I got little gas n need food n essentials im trying to be strong but it's hard I tried shelter n that place I'd the most disgusting place I've ever been nothing but permanent drug addict those people are never leaving they get free free food n housing they use there money for drugs I don't belong there I just need help getting back on my feet im a disbled 59 year old man living in my I went to social services n they looked at me like im crazy I was born n raised in this town worked all my life n 9 years ago I had a couple of strokes and that was it money stopped couldn't pay rent they said to there's no programs n not one of them they saying qualify for I will be in wheel chair soon but they say im to young being disabled means nothing cause im not old enough n I get pneumonia no really easy n im out in this cold in my car do whatever you can do for me I am truly grateful what is happening to our system I went to ask for help in a town I was born n raised n got treated like a common criminal cause I got sick it took me five years on one hundred dollars n food stamps n five years n two months to get social security but I'ma steal here by I've been through hell n back wanting to give up but I'ma a fighter just need a little help getting back on my feet if you can help me with my problem please call me at 530-867-5470 I would be glad to get some good news n get off the streets the shelter told me I don't belong there cause I don't fit in that place is for people who don't want to leave I don't know what to do anymore im old n disabled and I don't want to give up but our system has let me down for too long now and I have no leg to stand on please if you can help me get off the streets I have a income but not enough to move into a place with s.little help I can survive but they say my age that im too young n they have nothing for me om 59 yes old n disabled im not dead im man who's worked all his life n has done stuff for this town that 90 percent have done nothing im not asking for much just a little helping not the world if not it ok I've been kicked enough the scars are deep n they hurt they always hurt but thank you for listening
Try empower Yolo on Walnut Street. See if they can help you. Sounds like a medical advocate would help you the most with getting some type of benefits. The Social Security Dissability should help you too. But trying to find someone over the phone to help right now with the Covid 19 pandemic has been crazy. I know it's hard living in a vehicle. I am doing the same thing with .y 2 little dogs as well. Shelter refused me. Which I do not want to stay but even a day pass where you could shower or do your laundry might help you out. Plus do they have counseling there too? I don't know. The shelter at 4th and hope refused me as well as the new shelter at Beamer Street which is brand new. Keep your spirits up and pray all the time. It has to get better. I will pray for you too. Just grateful I have my truck back to live in. It was stolen in 2015 then returned in 2017. Feels like we are Jib in the Bible. But I have been blessed my entire life. So I will endure this a little bit longer. Things are opening up slowly. You need an advocate some one who will fight for you. Respect, Linda Crispin