Athens Area Emergency Food Bank, Inc.
640 Barber StAthens, GA - 30601
Contact Info
Phone: (706) 353-8182Facebook page
Website Instagram URL Twitter URL
Their mission is to provide emergency food assistance to local families in need.
The Athens Area Emergency Food Bank, the first food bank in Athens, is a private, non-profit corporation founded in 1980 by a coalition of area churches, civic organizations, businesses and individuals concerned about their community's hungry people.
In 2008 their staff, consisting of one part-time and one full-time employee, with the help of 30 community volunteers and a dedicated board of directors, was responsible for distributing food to 2,321 families involving 5,333 people.
The Athens Area Emergency Food Bank is not a United Way agency and they do not receive any governmental funds.
All of their support comes from the generosity of the people within the community.
Last year, 55 percent of their donated funds came from individuals, 29 percent from churches and 5 percent from businesses and organizations.
The remaining funds were obtained through special fundraisers.
Their revenue pays for the two employees, utilities, building, upkeep, insurance, and most importantly, food.
Mission Statement
The AAEFB's purpose is to meet the food needs for one week for families or individuals who live in Athens-Clarke County who are faced with emergencies upon referral by an approved agency. A family is entitled to another week's supply within six months, again with an approved referral. It is not the purpose of this agency to duplicate the services of any existing church or governmental agency, but to supplement and coordinate where desirable. " *
*From the Athens Area Emergency Food Bank, Inc. website
Hello I have got laid off my job due to Corvid-19 and I need help with food please and thanks so much
Need to get some food I am on SSI don't get much money a month